what's on?
Don't forget that WE. ARE. BACK! Book a space on our Eventbrite page for this weeks Family Service https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/.../family-service-tickets...
We can't wait to see you
Regular activities at st thomas'
We regularly run Alpha courses. Please contact us if you would like to come to the next one or if you would like more information.
Tot's Café
Monday mornings during term time in our Hall. 9.45am - 11.30am. A place for tots to play whilst parents can catch up! (FREE!) (Currently suspended due to Covid -19).
Thom's Blokes
Thom's Blokes meet regularly for talks, walks, outings and socials. 01246 206820 for details. (Currently meetings are suspended due to Covid -19).
Rendezvous is a group for the over 60s. They meet regularly for food and activities with guest speakers. (Currently meetings are suspended due to Covid -19).
Knit & Natter
Every Tuesday morning
10am - 12.30pm in the Centre. £2 to cover refreshments. Newcomers very welcome. (Currently meetings are suspended due to Covid -19).
Community Fund
If you are aware of any particular needs within our parish or wider community, please contact:
Click here for more information